February 26, 2024

FBU Erasmus+ Team
Dear Students,

We are pleased to announce that the applications of 2024-2025 Academic Year Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies & Traineeship have started. You can reach the application procedure and the calendar from the link below.

You can write all your questions regarding Erasmus+ student mobilities to erasmus@fbu.edu.tr.

Web Page: https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr/
**You can find it by typing ‘Fenerbahçe Üniversitesi’ to search bar.

Please do not forget to follow our social media accounts for announcements.

@fbu.erasmus https://www.instagram.com/fbu.erasmus/
@fbu.international https://www.instagram.com/fbu.international/

Best Regards,
FBU Erasmus+ Team