Department of Nursing Frequently Asked Questions

Department of Nursing Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How many years does it take to complete the nursing program?

The entire nursing program takes 4 years.


  1. What title do we get when we graduate from the nursing program?

Those who complete the undergraduate program successfully receive the title of “nurse”.


  1. Where can we work after graduating from the nursing program?

Since the nursing profession is one of the professions that are in demand, our graduates will have job opportunities in many fields both in Turkey and abroad. Our graduates are able to work in university hospitals, public hospitals, private hospitals and private outpatient clinics, schools, workplaces, nursing homes and home care centers, pharmaceutical industries, factories, Research & Development institutions, quality and accreditation institutions, forensic medicine institutions and prisons.

  1. With which score type does the department of nursing accept students?

            In line with the decision taken by the Centre for Assessment, Selection and Placement

 (ÖSYM), students are placed in the nursing departments under the Faculty of Health Sciences with MF-3 score type that they get from the Field Proficiency Test (AYT).


  1. Are male students admitted to the nursing department? What title do they get when they graduate?

Male students are admitted to the nursing department, and when they graduate, they receive the title of "nurse".


  1. How are professional practices carried out in your university?

After our students receive theoretical education in the nursing department and develop their professional skills in the simulation laboratory, they perform their professional practices in the hospitals decided with the supervision of the relevant lecturer of the course.


  1. Are there postgraduate opportunities for graduated students?

Our graduated students can apply to the graduate education programs in the field of nursing in the country and abroad if they meet the prerequisites. After completing their postgraduate education in nursing, they receive the title of "specialist nurse".


  1. Are there double major and minor program opportunities?

Nursing students can study double major and minor programs if they meet the principles in the regulation.


  1. Do you accept students by vertical transfer? Which departments can apply for vertical transfer?

Students are admitted to the nursing department by vertical transmission. Associate degree programs that can transfer to the Nursing Department are “Undergraduate Nursing Program", "Health Officer" and "Health Technician". This point must be noted: the terms "Health Officer" and "Health Technician" here are not the titles used by the candidates or earned with a diploma, but the name of the associate degree program written on the diplomas of the candidates after graduation.


  1. Will I be exempted from the courses I took during my associate degree education before I start my undergraduate education?

In the 9th article of the "Regulation on Continuation of Undergraduate Education of Graduates of Vocational Schools and Open Education Associate Degree Programs" published in the Official Gazette dated 19/2/2002 and numbered 24676 indicates that ‘The students who have the right to start their undergraduate education are given exemptions from the courses they have taken during their associate degree education by their universities and their credits are taken into account, and the courses that they should take from the program are determined. Students are given the right to continue their education by enrolling in the program according to the courses they must take.’ Pursuant to the aforementioned provision, the board of directors of our university grants exemptions to the courses that students must take in the undergraduate program, taking into account the courses they have taken in their associate degree education.



  1. How are internal and external student transfer procedures regulated at your university?

Students transfers to the nursing department of our university are possible according to the regulations prepared by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), the principles determined by the university and the evaluations of the commissions assigned.


        12. Do you have ERASMUS Student Exchange Programs at your university?

ERASMUS student exchange program has started to be carried out in our university; Nursing students have the right to participate in the program.


 13. What is the language of education?

The language of education for those studying in the English nursing program at our university is "English" and the language of instruction in the Turkish nursing program is "Turkish".


  14. How can I find the forms and course selection guide?

You can reach to website of the FBU from the link below:



15. Can students meet with instructors when they want to?

Students can meet with the instructors when they want to. The contact addresses of faculty members are available on the FBU website. External faculty members share their contact addresses during their lectures. Each student's advisory faculty member will assist with course selection, internships, exchange programs and graduate studies.


16. Are there dormitories available for your students?

Our students have the opportunity to stay in dormitories with which the university has an agreement.

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