
In accordance with Article 8 of the "Regulation on the Principles and Procedures for the Implementation of the Law on the Right to Information" prepared in accordance with the Information Law No. 4982 published in the Official Gazette No. 25269 dated 24.10.2003 and published and entered into force in the Official Gazette dated 27 April 2004 and numbered 25445, it is necessary to establish an Information Unit in Public Institutions and Organizations. At our university, this unit is run by the Brand and Communications Directorate.


Telephone: 0216 910 19 07

Fax: 0216 910 19 65

Address: Atatürk Mah. Ataşehir Bulvarı, Metropol İstanbul, 34758, Ataşehir - İstanbul



 Application for Information

  • To obtain information, fill out the relevant form below completely.
  • The relevant form should be sent to

Applications that are not made in accordance with the form or are filled in incompletely will not be accepted.

The requested information or document will be notified to the applicant before the end of the 15 business days. If it concerns more than one institution and organization, access to information or documents is provided within 30 business days. In this case, the extension of this period and the reason for this will be notified to the applicant before the end of 15 business days.