
Fenerbahçe University contributes to the academic and career development of students through compulsory and voluntary internship practices.

Students do their compulsory and voluntary internships in institutions they find on their own. It is mandatory to get approval from internship advisors for the institution and subject.


Compulsory Internship

There are compulsory internship practices at the associate and undergraduate levels of the university. Compulsory internships are included in the graduation requirements of students. They can be carried out during the summer semester or during the semester.

In our university, there are compulsory internship practices in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy and Vocational School of Health Services. You can access the internship practices of academic units in detail from the links below.

Volunteer Internship

The university also offers voluntary internships to contribute to the personal and professional development of students. Voluntary internships are internships carried out during the summer semester or semester. It is not a graduation requirement.

Internship Insurance Entries

The “Occupational Accident and Occupational Disease” insurance premium is covered by the university in accordance with Article 87 of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 during the compulsory and voluntary internship practices of our students studying at the University Faculty/MYO.

The relevant supervisors of the Department/Program will send the Insurance Employment Declarations to the students by e-mail before the internship starts and the Insurance Exit Declarations within the week following the end of the internship.

Students are obliged to notify their advisors of any changes and cancellations regarding their internship days before the internship starts. Otherwise, the responsibility belongs to the student.

Work Accident Notification

In case students have a work accident during their internship, they are obliged to notify the 'Internship Unit' within 3 working days from the date of the accident.

This notification must be made to the Faculty / Program Presidencies on the same day. In cases where the work accident notification is not made on time, the responsibility belongs to the student.

Occupational Health and Safety Training

In accordance with Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety and related legislation, it is compulsory for our students who want to benefit from compulsory/voluntary internship practice and whose internship insurance is covered by the university to receive occupational health and safety training.


Important Notice:

Rest reports received due to illness during the internship must be sent by e-mail to the Faculty/MYO, Department/Program Head on the same day. The reports are forwarded to the 'Internship Unit' by the supervisors. Since it is a legal obligation to report the reports to the Social Security Institution, penal action is taken in cases where SSI notification is not made. The responsibility for the reports that are not submitted on time belongs to the student.


Career Center and Alumni Office Manager: Nazlı DOĞAN

Location: Fenerbahçe University, Block F L1-06 Floor

Telephone: +90 216 910 1907 - 1776



Junior Career Center and Alumni Office Specialist: Şevval İPEK

Location: Fenerbahçe University, Block F L1-06 Floor

Phone: +90 216 910 1907 - 1969
