FBU Student Code Of Conduct and Rights


The academic student life policy of Fenerbahçe University (FBU) has been created to guide students' behavior since FBU accepts students as members of the University's academic community.

Fenerbahçe University adopts the goal of becoming a center of academic excellence. In this context, FBU accepts to be held responsible for providing students with opportunities inside and outside of the university so that they can learn more and question in freedom, for guaranteeing the teaching rights of FBU academic staff, for protecting their intellectual and academic freedom, and for producing and developing academic knowledge in such an environment.

FBU community is multicultural by nature and it is academically inclusive. With this understanding, "Student Code of Conduct and Rights" requires each member to strive, share, show belonging and take responsibility in order to realize the vision and mission of the University. Every student is expected to respect the goals of the University and different opinions within the community. Every student should always behave in an appropriate and legal manner. These rules cover behaviors inside and outside the University.

The university aims to provide a versatile inspiring living and working environment for the FBU community with its assertive, encouraging and rewarding understanding in academic context. In this context, "Student Code of Conduct and Rights" has been created for all FBU students enrolled in the university in order to have such a living and working environment.It should be noted that additional rules and practices may arise or be changed during the academic year. Such situations are published on the website as a written notification.


The purpose of the university is to support students in developing and internalizing appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior while promoting individual and collective academic learning in all aspects in a non-hierarchical, multicultural and inclusive living and working environment. To this end, students must respect the national, religious, ethnic, gender and cultural diversity of the academic community. In the FBU living and working environment, students are always expected to show love and respect towards their friends, academic and administrative staff and to cooperate in all circumstances. In addition, it is essential that students avoid all kinds of psychological, physical, verbal and similar violence in their relationships within and outside the University.


FBU students know and acknowledge that they are part of the University's community in the broadest sense, with its stakeholders. In this context, students obey all kinds of ethical, legal, administrative rules and decisions of the University. Students are expected to respect these rules and decisions in their verbal and non-verbal behavior.


3.1 Student Obligations

The purpose of the university is to support the development of students' competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors) and to contribute to their individual and collective learning experiences and knowledge production. With this understanding, the University accepts its students as active participants and stakeholders of the academic community. The teaching and learning philosophy of the University is to value the sharing of knowledge and experience in the community with academics and students. In this context, it is essential to approach students equally and to follow them carefully in their learning processes and in all aspects of their development. FBU students should exhibit open-minded cognitive behaviors in their individual and collective learning experiences and knowledge production within the framework of a wide range of interests and intellectual curiosity.

Students are expected to take an active role in developing their competencies in seizing the learning opportunities provided by the University, being autonomous learners in individual and collective work and in similar issues. FBU students always strive for their academic development by pursuing all kinds of learning and research opportunities and by blending and questioning findings and results with criticism. In this process, it is indispensable for students to receive and give feedback from peers and academic staff. These feedback processes require FBU students to think critically about their own opinions, perceptions, cognitions and behaviors and express them.

3.2 Classroom Rights

The course syllabus is provided to the students by the instructor of the course, giving information about the acquisitions, course materials, participation and other requirements, exam dates, assessment and evaluation / grading. The university provides the public information by keeping the academic information package containing the achievements and other necessary information for all programs and courses always updated on its website.

Students have the right to express their opinions about the academic subject of a course freely and in accordance with the rules of courtesy, even if they disagree with the instructor, without worrying about getting academic punishment.

Academic staff and administration should respect students' right to confidentiality regarding course and success evaluations. For this reason, matters related to course evaluations such as course letter grades and exam scores are only announced on the Student Information System (OIS) by hiding the identities of the students.

3.3 Confidentiality of Student Registration Information and Personal Data

The University keeps all personal information that students share with administrative and academic units confidential. Any information that students share with units such as Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PDR) and Health Center must be kept confidential. The University is obliged to show maximum sensitivity to the security of personal data shared during registration and admission procedures. Care is taken to protect all kinds of personal data by processing them in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

3.4 Equal Benefit

Students have the right to benefit from all the services, opportunities and possibilities of the University in line with the T. C. Constitution on the basis of the principle of equality regardless of distinctions race, nationality, country, religion, sect, language, gender, class, profession, family identity etc.

3.5 Report a Problem and Getting Feedback

Students can freely express all kinds of problems they have at the University without fear. They have the right to receive feedback from the academic and administrative units of the university as soon as possible.

3.6 Transparency in Disciplinary Investigation Processes

In the process of disciplinary investigation and punishment, no discrimination is made between students. The provisions of the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation regulated under the Higher Education Law No. 2547 are applied in disciplinary cases.

3.7 Freedom of Expression

Students can freely express their opinions and ideas without calling for violence or insulting, provided that they respect the rights of others.

3.8 Campus Life

Students have the right to work and live in an environment designed with a healthy, clean, hygienic and aesthetic environmental awareness that will support academic, cultural and social development.


4.1 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Even if there are "innocent little mistakes", students may experience huge and irreparable losses in their academic learning and career journeys due to dishonest academic behavior. The university never accepts cheating (writing or creating a reference or information in an academic study inaccurately / incompletely, etc.), plagiarism (using someone else's words or ideas / studies, showing them as their own academic work, without reference to the original work) and so academic falsification is never accepted.

The university expects scientific prestige and responsibility from its students in all kinds of activities and tasks such as presentation, thesis writing, small group work, academic speech and similar activities. FBU students can name a collective work only if they have contributed significantly to the work. In this context, students are always obliged to recognize the contributions of other students / lecturers / scientists and experts in a study by name.

4.2 Privacy Ethics

FBU privacy ethics ensures student and academic community protection against all kinds of information retention, information confidentiality, and / or embarrassing personal data disclosure. In this context, FBU students are deemed to have accepted in advance to respect all kinds of privacy of their friends, academic and administrative staff inside and outside the University.

4.3 Information Communication Technology, Mobile Phone, Camera and Social Media Use

FBU students are obliged to abide by the University rules established within the scope of appropriate and acceptable use of information communication technology services and legal regulations at all levels. Students accept without reservation to comply with conscious and responsible use of social media. Students never agree to copy intellectual property. Students are always respectful of academic staff's presentations, lecture notes, and similar lessons. They never do and they do not accept such actions as copying, sharing, transferring of these intellectual products. It is forbidden for students, academic and administrative staff to place any pictures, emojis or share anything related to the person of the academic and administrative staff, regardless of purpose, in any case inside and outside the university and especially on social media.

 4.4 Harassment

In case of any complaint about students who turn to all kinds of abusive attitudes, behaviors and actions, the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation are applied. Complained and victimized students are directed to the PDR Unit and followed.

 4.5 Mental and Physical Harm

Mental and physical harm includes all kinds of verbal and non-verbal abuse, threat, detention, behavior and / or action that will endanger the physical and / or mental health or safety of another person. However, mental and physical harm is not limited to these. Students cannot be involved in any mental and / or physical behavior and / or action. In addition, students are not allowed to possess any weapons, including firearms (including legally licensed ones), compressed air guns or illegal knives, hazardous chemicals or any kind of explosive material (including fireworks).

4.6 Theft and Property Tenders

Damaging, theft, and looting, and fraudulent use of the property of the University or others in and outside the University is seen as an unforgivable violation. Even though the student knows or should logically know that a property is stolen, it is also considered a violation to possess it.

4.7 Alcohol and Drugs

Students may not use, possess, or mediate the use of alcohol and drugs in and outside the University. It is forbidden to act under the influence of open drunkenness and / or drinking. Any attempt to possess, use, sell or supply any illegal substance is seen as an inexcusable violation.

4.8 Gambling

Organizing, conducting and playing all forms of gambling is prohibited.


The students fully accept in advance that they will abide by the code of conduct and the consequences of non-compliance. In this context, the Higher Education Institution Student Discipline Regulation, FBU regulations and other relevant legislation provisions are taken as basis.


Fenerbahçe University Student Code of Conduct and Rights take effect on the start date of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. The University has the right to unilaterally amend the "Student Code of Conduct and Rights". In case of any changes in "Student Code of Conduct and Rights", this change will be announced separately.