Success Scholarships:
These are non-refundable scholarships that are given to students placed in the University's scholarship student quotas specified in the OSYM exam guide and cover all or part of the tuition fee. These scholarships continue for 2 years at the foreign language preparatory class and associate degree level, and 4 years at the undergraduate level (5 years at the Faculty of Pharmacy).

Fenerbahçe University offers 100% and 50% scholarships according to YKS (Higher Education Institutions Examination) results.

First Choice Scholarship:
+25% choice discount is applied to students who are placed at our university with their first choice (except for the Faculty of Pharmacy). This discount is applied on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship.

Academic Success Scholarship:
Students studying in our university's associate and undergraduate programs with an average of 3.70 and above in all courses taken in the last academic year in the program they are enrolled in benefit from this scholarship.

  • Students with an average of 3.90-4.00 in all courses taken in the last academic year are exempt from the full tuition fee, provided that their GPA in the associate or undergraduate program they are enrolled in is above 3.00.
  • A scholarship of 50% of the tuition fee is given to students who have an average of 3.70-3.89 in all courses taken in the last academic year, provided that their GPA in the associate or undergraduate program they are enrolled in is above 3.00. 

Athlete Scholarship
It is a discount given to students who participate in competitions on behalf of the university in the branches in which the university operates.

Scholarships for Disabled Students
The scholarship rate for disabled students is 10%. This discount is applied on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship.

Scholarship for Children of Martyrs and Veterans
A 10 (ten)% discount is given to the spouses and children of Martyrs and Veterans who are placed in university programs. This discount is applied on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship.

Scholarship for Working Spouses and Children
A 25% (twenty-five) scholarship is given to employees of Fenerbahçe University, Fenerbahçe Sports Club and its subsidiaries, Fenerbahçe College, Medicana Health Group and MBA Schools, as well as their spouses and children, who are accepted to the university programs at their first choice or without choosing another university in between. This scholarship is applied based on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship.

Sibling Scholarship  
A 5% (five) sibling scholarship is given for each sibling who is a university student. This scholarship is applied based on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship.

Fenerbahçe College and MBA College Alumni Scholarship
A 25% (twenty-five) scholarship is given to students who graduate from Fenerbahçe and MBA Colleges and are placed in the university programs at their first choice or without choosing another university in between. This scholarship is applied based on the tuition fee that the student will pay other than the OSYM Scholarship. 
Continuity of the Scholarship and Benefiting from the Scholarship

Principle of Benefiting from a Single Scholarship:
Except for OSYM Scholarships, students who meet the requirements to benefit from more than one different scholarship opportunity can benefit from only one scholarship, which is the most advantageous for them.

Scholarship Application Method, Duration and Termination
1- Except for OSYM Scholarships, students who are convicted of a disgraceful crime or who receive disciplinary punishment in accordance with Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulations are excluded from the scope of scholarship and discount applications starting from the year following the year in which they were punished.
2- Except for OSYM Scholarships, students who do not register for courses and/or cancel their registration without the decision of the authorized bodies of the university lose their right to scholarship. The scholarship continues after the student registers for the course.
 3- All scholarships are valid for the duration of legal education.
 4- Scholarships and discounts, including OSYM scholarships, do not cover the Summer School.