Frequently Asked Questions

  • I want to choose a course, but I don't know what courses I should take.

The courses you will take during your education in the OIS system are listed under the title of student slots. An academic advisor is assigned by the head of the relevant department/program to assist the students in organizing the education and training programs. The advisor monitors the student throughout their education and guides them through associate/bachelor's education and the relevant legislation. Your academic advisor will inform you about the courses you can take.

  • The add-drop period has expired, but I also want to withdraw from the course I have chosen.

Students can withdraw from the course they are registered for between the dates specified in the academic calendar, with the opinion of their advisors.

  • Who is the academic advisor, how can I find out about my advisor?

The advisor monitors the student throughout their education and guides them through associate/bachelor's education and the relevant legislation. When you log in to the system for the first time, you can see the name of the advisor assigned to you on the main screen.

  • Is attendance compulsory? Can I see my attendance status?

It is essential for students to attend all classes. Students who do not attend at least 70% of theoretical courses and at least 80% of applied courses and English preparatory program courses are considered absent. Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement are deemed unsuccessful in that course and cannot take the final exams. Attendance is compulsory for the repeated courses failed due to absence.

  • I want to freeze my registration this year. Where should I make my application?

Registration suspension applications are made with a petition to the relevant unit secretariat.

  • I want to disenroll, where should I make my application?

Disenrollment applications are made with a petition to the relevant unit secretariat.

  • I forgot my OIS password, how can I get a new password?

When you fill in your username and R.T. ID number following ''Parolamı Unuttum'' (''Forget Password'') link from OIS web site, your new password will be sent to the mobile phone number registered in the system as an SMS.

  • What is the difference between YANO/Semester GPA and GANO/GPA?

YANO/Semester GPA is only the GPA of the courses you took in the relevant semester. GANO/GPA is the average grade of your courses for all semesters you have completed.

  • I want to apply for lateral transfer to your university, when and where should I apply?

Application and evaluation calendar with lateral transfer quotas, application conditions and application dates are published on our website in the announcements section in January and July of each year.