Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to innovate, venture and apply in various fields in the period when today's high-tech products are rapidly emerging. The Electrical and Electronics Engineering program covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of electricity and magnetism to advanced topics such as control systems and communication networks. Through in-class practices, laboratory work, and engineering projects, students gain the theoretical foundation and practical experience they need to become successful engineers.

Graduates with a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering can be employed by a variety of different industries due to the versatile skill set they possess. They can find career opportunities in many sectors such as electricity generation and transmission, consumer electronics, telecommunications, automotive engineering. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering prepares students for the future by developing their ability to solve complex problems, think critically, and adapt to the requirements of an ever-changing technological environment.

After the English preparatory class, our students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering take basic engineering courses as well as courses that provide the theoretical and practical infrastructure that form the basis of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Starting from the third grade, the student's knowledge and skills in this field are enriched with the courses to be chosen according to his orientation. With the compulsory internship and graduation project, it is ensured that the acquired knowledge is applied and made meaningful. The training program is in accordance with the standards of globally accepted regulatory institutions, has the ability to adapt to the dynamic structure of the sector, and covers up-to-date technology. Our students also have the opportunity to be a student of another department they are interested in with Double Major and Minor programs. With Erasmus+ collaborations, it is possible to study in many European countries for a certain period of time.

Young people who are interested in mathematics and physics, and who are interested in fields such as defense industry, industrial products, automation, communication technologies and energy systems will enjoy studying this department and will be successful in their future careers.