Software Engineering

Software is among the most complex human-developed systems and has essential features that require specialized methods to meet. However, the rapid change in computer and software technologies creates an increasing demand for new and advanced software. The task of software engineers is to have the theoretical and practical background to develop complex software systems and to apply a systematic, disciplined, measurable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of the required software systems.

In the Department of Software Engineering, after the English preparatory class, our students take basic engineering courses in the first two years as well as courses that provide the theoretical and practical infrastructure that forms the foundations of software engineering. Starting with the third year, the student can specialize in the most requested areas, such as artificial intelligence, software security and data science, in addition to basic software development skills, with courses chosen according to his or her orientation, while basic knowledge and skills are provided with compulsory courses. With the compulsory internship and graduation project, it is ensured that the acquired knowledge is made meaningful by applying it. The cirriculum has a structure that complies with the standards of globally accepted regulatory bodies, has the ability to adapt to the dynamic structure of the sector, and covers up-to-date technology. It aims to train creative, entrepreneurial and preferred engineers who are open to learning, adaptable, able to produce creative solutions in line with the needs, adapt to rapid change in the field, and produce solutions to changing needs in different fields.

Our students also have the opportunity to become a student of another department in case they are interested in with Double Major and Minor programs.

As new software development and maintenance of existing software has become indispensable in all sectors, it is obvious that our graduates will be in great demand. Our graduates can be employed in the fields of software development, consultancy and research and development in the public and private sectors on a national and international scale, or they can establish their own businesses if they wish. Software Engineering is one of the few professions where there is no problem in terms of employment as there are not enough software engineers to meet the need worldwide. Our students desiring to pursue an academic career also have the opportunity to be employed at universities.