Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and language therapist is a professional member of the healthcare team that can work and engage in scientific research activities to prevent, diagnose, assess, and treat, communication, speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders that can be seen at all ages, aiming to increase the quality of life of healthy individuals, patients or people with special needs.

Speech and language therapy profession is among the most preferred career paths in the health sciences over the world and since it is a new profession in our country, graduates of this program do not have any problems in terms of employment.

Our Speech and Language Therapy Department aims to train speech and language therapists who have gained professional competence and practical experience with professional ethical values, and who can follow the latest technology and approaches in their field.

Our students who graduate from the Department of Speech and Language Therapy, which provides a four-year undergraduate education, within the Faculty of Health Sciences at our university, are given the title of "Speech and Language Therapist".

Our graduates can have career opportunities in the relevant clinics of state, private or university hospitals. In addition, they can work in special education and rehabilitation centres providing service to individuals with speech and language disorders. They can establish their own private clinics, or they can provide therapy services in the centres with relevant experts. Graduates wishing to have an academic career can continue their postgraduate education at universities in Turkey or abroad.

Fenerbahçe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Speech and Language Therapy is the correct address for your personal and professional development with its student-oriented approach and experienced, innovative, and enthusiastic academic staff.