Exercise and Sport Sciences

In the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, we aim to raise young people who will lead the society in terms of exercise and sports with a versatile, qualified and international level education.

The program is designed to provide a balanced understanding of both sports and exercise sciences in various sub-disciplines. During the training period, you will develop your knowledge of physiology, quinanthropometry, biomechanics and psychology. You will also develop a comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles underlying sports and exercise performance and participation. Physiological response of the body to exercise; angular kinematics and angular kinetics; statistical data analysis techniques required for a thesis; and you will learn basic psychological issues related to sports performance and skill acquisition. Your theoretical knowledge; kids and exercise; aging and exercise; biomechanics of human movement; sports psychology; clinical exercise prescription; physical activity and health, return to the field, match observation and evaluation; You will be able to apply it in talent selection and orientation, performance testing and evaluation. Research dissertation under the supervision of your academic advisor will increase your ability to work independently and critically analyze.

Exercise and Sport Sciences graduates can measure and evaluate, make instant reports to the technical director and coach by observing during training and competitions, analysts who can plan and apply to improve the fitness characteristics of athletes, and protection from injury, first aid and re-condition services, scientific and technological developments. will be able to have qualifications that can follow.

Employment areas of this department graduates; Youth and Sports Provincial Directorates, sports clubs, fitness centers, Health, Culture and Sports Departments of universities and sports facilities.