Sports Management

In the Sports Management Department, we aim to raise young people who can adapt to different business areas in the globalized sports industry and business life with a versatile, qualified and international level education.

Our curriculum is shaped according to the most important topics of the rapidly changing industry; development through sports, sports and leisure economy, sports expertise, exercise, healthy life and happiness, diversity management, sports communication, talent selection in sports, sponsorship, marketing strategies, fitness center management, information technologies, sports and social media, sports competition analysis includes many innovative and different courses such as gamification and game-based learning, esports event management, behavioral sciences, sports psychology, sports and neuroscience, strategic human resources in sports.

In the first years, students of the department receive an education in which theoretical and multi-disciplinary courses are predominant with current examples from the field, and starting from the fourth semester, corporate social responsibility, specialty courses and camp training, as well as practical courses come to the fore. During their studies, they can take courses and internships at universities abroad for one or two semesters through student exchange programs, if they wish. In the fourth year, students choose the courses they want and turn to the areas where they can specialize, and they step into professional business life with projects and thesis work, workplace training and applications throughout the year.

We transfer the theoretical and practical knowledge to our students with a wide perspective with our well-equipped faculty members and field experts, and we create practice, internship and job opportunities for our students in important and reputable institutions in the sports sector, especially in the Fenerbahçe Club and related organizations. We guide our students in their university experiences and career journeys, which are the most important and determining process of their lives, and we support them in drawing a unique road map for our students.