Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Our philosophy of education at Fenerbahçe University is to foster the all-round development of students through multi-faceted education and sustained engagement with local, national, and global communities, and nurture lifelong inspired learners from across the globe.

Our university acts as a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to effectively contribute to society in a dynamic environment.

Our university campus epitomizes the vision, 'Promoting a well-developed International Understanding through Quality Education'.

Fenerbahçe has turned into a beehive of international students from across the globe, in a very short time. The basic value thread at FBU is that of caring and nurturing. The thread expands into a finely woven symbiotic system where thousands benefit.

The name Fenerbahçe represents a brand that has always proved its metal.

Our university fosters various international cultures to culminate at a point and grow together.

Our policy of education is simply to promote a healthy and nurturing atmosphere for all students.