Director's Message

Dear Students,

Welcome to Fenerbahçe University! You are about to start of your associate degree education. As Fenerbahçe University Vocational School of Health Services, our primary duty is to ensure that you spend the upcoming 2 years happy, healthy and successful. Our aim is to train you as health professionals who are committed to the principles of professional ethics, willing to lifelong learning, inquisitive, goal-oriented, solution-oriented and fully equipped in their field.

Vocational School of Health Services provides education in Turkish and English with its competent and strong academic staff in 14 programmes under 4 major departments. During the time we will spend together, you will learn all the theoretical knowledge necessary for your profession in our classrooms and you will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in our laboratories. In addition, you will meet with patients by increasing the first step of your professional life within the scope of internship and vocational training in workplaces such as hospitals, medical centres and laboratories in your field. With the general culture courses you will take during your education, the activities you will participate in and the projects you will carry out, you will become health professionals that the health sector needs as individuals who are beneficial to society, modern, socially oriented and open-minded.

During your education, you can apply to the Double Major Programme (DMP) and gain the advantage of having a second degree in another field you are interested in.  If you want to broaden your horizons and meet different cultures, you can study in a different country for a semester within the scope of ERASMUS+ Student Mobility.

Knowing the value of lifelong learning, we support you to continue your education after graduation. It is our biggest dream for our students to realise their ideals. In this regard, our entire academic staff will provide you with the mentorship you need. Students who graduate from these programs can apply for undergraduate programs by fulfilling the requirements of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) and contribute to the health sector with a different perspective.

As a member of the Fenerbahçe University family, I wish you all a healthy and happy education period.