Oral and Dental Health

Oral and Dental Health Program; it is an important program that trains "Oral and Dental Health Technician" to assist dentists before, during and after dental treatment of patient. To be a healthy individual; in the modern world, where the importance of oral health is increasing, it has become a necessity for dental assistants to be trained and qualified personnel. In addition, due to the relationship of problems originating from the mouth and teeth with other diseases in the body, the necessity and sensitivity in oral and dental health treatments require training of dental assistant as well as dentists.

With the development of the health system, the need for trained staff in this field is increasing day by day. The curriculum of the the Fenerbahçe University Health Services Vocational School Oral and Dental Health Program is designed for students to gain knowledge in accordance with the needs of the health sector. Our students; they are trained both directly related to the job, such as knowledge and skills, and indirectly related to their profession, such as communication and ethics. Thus, it is aimed for them to step into the professional world as qualified personnel in all respects.