
Radiotherapy is the use of ionizing radiation to treat patients with cancer. Radiotherapy Technician work closely with an interdisciplinary health care team, comprising of Radiation Oncologist, Medical Physicist, Nurses and other Health Care Professionals.  As part of the curriculum, students will have the opportunity to practice in a simulated clinical environment in all aspects of Radiotherapy, including treatment delivery, patient communication, and treatment planning techniques.

The radiotherapy technician is a vital and essential member of the radiation oncology team. Radiotherapy technicians use advanced computer systems and sophisticated radiation therapy equipment to deliver radiation to treat cancer in the radiation oncology department in hospitals. Radiotherapy technicians play a vital role in providing education and support to the patient throughout the treatment process, including counseling patients and their families about potential side effects and ways to minimize them. The course material and application of the Radiotherapy program at Fenerbahçe University includes radiation protection, radiation physics, radiobiology, clinical oncology, medical imaging, anatomy, general pathology and computerized planning systems. Clinical practice includes CT simulation, patient preparation, schedule reviews, dose calculations, logging and validating system data entry, irradiation, and therapy machine quality controls.