About Us

The International Relations Directorate is the Directorate established in 2019 to support the internationalization policy of Fenerbahçe University. Developing collaborations with internationally reputable universities and research institutions, reaching international students and increasing the academic strength and prestige of the University are the primary duties of the Directorate. Within the framework of the internationalization policy set forth by Fenerbahçe University, International Relations Directorate acts as a bridge between the students and employees of our university and the students and employees of universities abroad and aims to create various learning opportunities that enable both groups to share intellectual, academic and intercultural sharing and develop new perspectives.

All programs of Fenerbahçe University at associate, undergraduate and graduate levels are open to international students. Directorate provides all kinds of services and opportunities to ensure that the time spent by exchange students from abroad at our university is efficient and effective in academic, social and cultural contexts, while encouraging the university students to participate in the exchange programs of elite universities. Through exchange programs and projects that it always targets to develop, Directorate aims to contribute to the purpose of raising individuals who are self-confident, think critically and analytically, embrace universal values, have a sense of responsibility and act socially responsible, can express themselves adequately in at least one foreign language, value pluralism and diversity and who want to know and understand different cultures in parallel with the vision, core values and institutional achievements of FBU.