Alumni Unit

Fenerbahçe University Alumni Unit was established to create common benefits by strengthening communication and cooperation between the university and alumni, to increase solidarity among alumni, to contribute to the individual and academic accumulation of students, and to support institutional development.

In line with these goals, we will have the opportunity to keep institutional communication with you, our alumni, alive and to ensure the continuity of interaction thanks to the registration of our alumni to the "Alumni Information System".

It is our indispensable goal to accompany every student who joins the Fenerbahçe University family in their individual and academic journey with multidimensional projects that we will develop and work together with your knowledge and voluntary support.


Priority tasks of the unit:

1.     To carry out activities to increase cooperation, cooperation and solidarity with alumni, and to organize social, cultural and scientific activities for this purpose,

2.     To support the activities organized by the academic and administrative units of the University, the Student Council and student clubs for cooperation and cooperation with the alumni,

3.     Establishing an alumni information management system and resume database that introduces graduates, includes their contact information, tracks changes in their social status and career development, and creates a data pool on graduates,

4.     To support the graduation ceremonies of the University, to ensure the participation and support of graduates, alumni foundations and associations in these ceremonies,

5.     To regularly inform alumni about the activities of the University and to encourage alumni to contribute to the University,

6.     To carry out joint activities with the Career Center in order for graduates to take effective positions in working life, to carry out joint activities with public institutions and organizations, professional organizations, non-governmental organizations and private sector organizations where graduates are in executive positions, and to try to contribute to the university and students by these institutions and organizations,

7.     Organizing congresses, symposiums, panels, conferences, conferences, workshops, seminars and courses for graduates on topics such as "success in business life", "career management", "employment", "professional development", "occupational health and safety", "foreign language", "use of technology", "new professions", etc., supporting the organization of such programs and informing graduates about these issues and ensuring their participation,

8.     To carry out joint studies with national and international organizations on issues related to its field of activity, to carry out projects, to take initiatives for the University to become a member of such organizations when necessary, to participate in national and international activities, to encourage the participation of graduates,

9.     To publish written and visual materials on issues related to its field of activity, to prepare materials such as alumni directory and alumni guide, to make programs on television and radio channels, theater and other visual platforms,

10.  To provide all kinds of information, documents and publications on issues related to its field of activity, to establish a documentation center, to conduct scientific research, to prepare reports, to support scientific research,

11.  To carry out joint activities with the Career Center to ensure the contribution of alumni to students, to carry out activities to ensure that alumni foundations and associations give awards to students, to carry out joint activities with the Scholarships Office to encourage them to provide scholarships to students,

12.  Organizing activities to honor alumni who have made special contributions to the university

13.  To carry out fundraising activities and accept donations from within and outside the country, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,

14.  To take initiatives to ensure that the graduates of the University benefit from the facilities operated by various institutions belonging to the public or private sector under favorable conditions,

15.  Making various souvenirs and accessories related to the University such as badges, pictures, calendars, calendars, agendas, etc. and making them available to graduates.