Orientation & Peer Counselling Program

Orientation Program

Orientation is an event for newly enrolled students to get to know the university and transition to their academic studies.

After the opening ceremony of the academic year and the first class, our students are given a campus tour.

During the orientation trip planned at the faculty and college level, presentations of academic, administrative units, classrooms, laboratories, library, and social areas are made.


Peer Counselling Program

The peer counselling program helps our students who have registered to our university to adapt to our university life in Istanbul.

Students participating in this program, which is organized voluntarily, are called “consultants” and “counselees”.

Consultants support the students during their adaptation to the university and city. Consultants develop a friendship with the student, and help the student development in their social relations. The counselee who is a new member of the University, is the student who desires to be a part of the university and city.

The students that participate in this program as consultants and counselees will gain friendships, experiences, understanding our differences, exploring our cultural richness, and adding a fruitful life to our university.


Duties and Responsibilities of the Peer Consultant

  • By organizing meetings, they give information about the university and the academic lifestyle.
  • They give information about the regulations, and the administrative part of the university.
  • Assists in selecting courses and courses related issues.
  • They provide support for adapting to the daily life in the university and Istanbul.
  • They support active participation in the social and cultural life of the university and the city.
  • They guide the student clubs, sports, culture, and art teams.
  • They look for solutions for potential problems together and guide the academic and administrative offices.
  • They provide consultancy services by observing the principle of confidentiality.


Requirements to be a Consultant

  • To have studied at the faculty for at least one year, excluding the preparation school.
  • To have at least 2.50 GPA.
  • Not having received disciplinary punishment.