Sports Coordination

It is the unit that plans and performs sports activities for all student, academic and administrative members of Fenerbahçe University. In order to ensure that our students spend their time outside of their academic intensity in a fun, productive, fit and healthy way, it establishes sports teams and organizes on-campus and off-campus sports activities.

Sports Teams

Fenerbahçe University offers a wide range of sports opportunities. In our university, which currently has seventeen sports teams, new teams are established in line with student demands and according to needs, and opportunities are provided for them to compete in interuniversity championships. In the second week of the academic opening day of our university, sports team selections are held. Our students, who participate in the auditions of sports teams under the supervision of our expert coaches and trainers in their branches, are directed to the relevant branches according to their abilities.

Our Sports Teams:

1. Athletics MEN - WOMEN

2. Basketball MEN - WOMEN

3. Boxing MEN - WOMEN

4. Esports (FIFA 19) MEN

5. Football MEN


7. Judo MEN - WOMEN

8. Karate MEN - WOMEN

9. Kick Boxing MEN - WOMEN

10. Table Tennis WOMEN

11. Archery MEN

12. Beach Volleyball MEN - WOMEN

13. Squash MEN - WOMEN

15. Volleyball MEN - WOMEN

16. Sailing MEN - WOMEN

17. Swimming MEN - WOMEN



On-Campus Sports:

In addition to their academic life, Fenerbahçe University students also have the chance to do many sports activities on campus.


Off-Campus Sports:

Fenerbahçe University students have the chance to do many sports activities outside the campus with sports activities such as cycling, hiking, camping, climbing, rafting, diving, etc., organized by our sports coordinatorship and student clubs, in order to socialize, have a good time with their friends and purify their minds from their intense academic studies.