Dean's Message

Fenerbahçe University Faculty of Communication is committed to cultivating highly skilled communication professionals who can meet the demands of today's and tomorrow's dynamic media landscape. By offering internationally recognized curricula, fostering industry and academic partnerships, and emphasizing both theoretical and practical education, the Faculty equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the digital age.

Our faculty is dedicated to fostering a culture of ethical conduct, critical thinking, and social responsibility. With a strong focus on human-centered communication, we empower our students to excel in their chosen fields of Public Relations and Advertising, Radio, Television, and Cinema, and New Media and Communication.

Grounded in "Smart and Integrated Communication" strategies, our departments are at the forefront of research in emerging areas such as digital communication, artificial intelligence, mass communication, hyper-personalized communication, and social media. Our faDeculty is comprised of experienced scholars who are committed to providing students with a rigorous academic foundation and the practical skills needed to succeed in the communication industry.

Students who aspire to careers in public relations, advertising, broadcasting, and new media will find the Faculty of Communication to be a stimulating and supportive environment.

Prof Dr. Ahmet SELAMOĞLU

Acting Dean