New Media and Communication

With the development of information technologies, traditional media environments such as newspapers, radio and television have evolved into digital media. The fact that information can be accessed and broadcast anytime anywhere through digital media also makes specialization in the field of new media more important every day. Therefore, today's communication professionals are expected to be competent in content production and publishing on online platforms as well as in traditional media environments.

New Media and Communication Department has a rich educational curriculum that includes different media areas shaped by information technologies as well as traditional media. Our department, providing theoretical and practical training in the field of digital media, aims to train entrepreneurial communication experts who can use new media tools competently, manage social media, produce and manage content on online platforms, adopt the importance of creative and critical thinking and catch the dynamics of the industry.

Education understanding of the New Media and Communication Department aims to raise self-confident and productive students who follow technological developments, have a command of the changing and developing field literature, can analyze the basic theories of communication science and new media applications, can conduct competent research on the features and usage purposes of newly developed platforms.

In addition to its strong academic staff, our students who graduate from the Department of New Media and Communication, which provides double major degree and minor degree opportunities and gaining experience through collaborations will have employment opportunities in a different areas such as institutions operating in the fields of newspapers, radio and television, public relations and advertising agencies, non-governmental organizations, and digital media organizations. In addition to these opportunities, students will have the opportunity to develop their academic career by continuing their graduate education if they wish.