Public Relations and Advertising

In today's information society, it is very important for corporations operating in an open and competitive environment to fulfill their moral and ethical responsibilities as well as maintain their economic existence. In this competitive environment, corporations should benefit from public relations and advertising disciplines in order to carry out communication activities  like designing social responsibility campaigns,  regulate their relations with their stakeholders, separate from their competitors and create brand loyalty.

Public Relations and Advertising Department, which aims to meet the needs of today's information age brings together the fields of public relations and advertising that interact with each other within the scope of an integrated education. Our department aims to train creative and entrepreneurial communication experts who can use traditional media and new media communication tools, develop media planning strategies, manage social media, lead crisis, reputation, image and brand management processes.

The education approach of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising aims to raise productive students who are able to produce new and original ideas with a critical and questioning perspective, are prone to teamwork but can work independently at the same time, are conscious of ethical values, have high self-confidence, and follow the technological developments in the world.

In addition to its strong academic staff, our students who graduate from the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, which provides double major degree and minor degree opportunities and  who gain experience through collaborations will have employment opportunities in a different areas such as public institutions and organizations, communication departments of national and international private institutions, public relations and advertising agencies, non-governmental organizations and political parties. In addition to these opportunities, students will have the opportunity to develop their academic career by continuing their graduate education if they wish.