Radio, Television and Cinema

Today, the expansion of the fields of activity of the cinema and television industries makes it necessary to produce and organize content suitable for digital platforms. This necessity leads to an increase in the need for qualified production and publishing staff with field-specific theoretical background and professional competence. In this context, the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema aims to train individuals who have basic knowledge and equipment in various fields such as establishing connections with different disciplines, evaluating the concepts related to the field, constructing radio, television and cinema texts, and using imaging and broadcasting equipment.

The Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, which aims to meet the needs of today's information age, mainly offers an integrated education plan that enables the establishment of a relationship between artistic, social and economic developments and the field of radio, television and cinema. Our department aims to train creative and entrepreneurial communication professionals who can use field-specific tools such as cameras, microphones and broadcast mixers competently, produce content for various platforms, and master editing techniques.

Education understanding of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema is based on raising productive and self-confident individuals who can produce new and original ideas with a critical and questioning perspective, who are prone to teamwork, who follow technological developments in the world.

In addition to its strong academic staff, our students who graduate from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, which provides double major and minor opportunities to its students, gain experience through collaborations. Although they have employment opportunities in various fields such as television organizations, radio organizations, cinema organizations, digital broadcasting organizations, they will have the opportunity to continue their graduate education and develop their academic career if they wish.